Parish Update 19 Mar 2020
Psalm 23.4: Even were I to walk through a valley of deepest darkness I should fear no harm, for you are with me; your shepherd’s staff and crook afford me comfort.
I just wanted to update you on a few more details in relation to our public worship services.
As you all are aware, the HSE guidelines state that no groups of 100 should meet and we have strictly gone with the guidelines when smaller groups within the church have met. This being said, in a recent letter from the Arch-bishop, he has felt it is now wise to suspend public worship gatherings.
I know that this time can be uncertain and anxious for many people and we are looking at ways to continue being church in this unprecedented time. Can I encourage you to do a few things that may help during this time:
Text or phone those around you to see how people are
Write a letter or postcard to people that you would usually see and send it to them
Offer help to those around you
Ask for help from those around you
If you can go for walks
Try keep a daily routine
Pray and read you bible
Eat healthy
Groups of people are looking at connecting with all in our parish community in different ways over the next few days. If you would like to be of help in this area, please let the office or myself know via email. Or if you have any creative ways of connecting with those around you please let us know and we can share that with people.
We will still be putting up resources on our website during this time and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact myself or the office via email.