Parish Update 10.04.20
John 20:19-20 The risen Christ came and stood among his disciples and said, Peace be with you. Then were they glad when they saw the Lord.
I hope that this finds you well and having a sense of the Lords presence even in this lockdown from “normality.” I just wanted to mention a few things as we continue in this new phase that we find ourselves living in.
We have postponed the newsletter for a few weeks. It would be great to fill it with some fun and interesting stories has to what we have found ourselves doing in this time of Covid-19. If you have anything you’d like to share in the newsletter please email James Darling at and cc by Monday Apr 27th.
The office staff are going to take a well earned break next week (Apr 13th-19th). My thanks go out to Jane and Caroline as they have been great in this surreal time and a huge help and encouragement.
Continue to check in on one another via text, phone calls, email, etc. If any concerns arise or help is needed in different areas (shopping, grass cut, dog walking etc.), please do contact me at We have a team of people who are willing to help in however they can. I continue to be encouraged by the stories many of you have shared with me.
We will continue to have devotionals, services etc uploaded on to our website
Finally, continue to pray for one another and for our nation and leaders. As we believe, stand firm on and experience the resurrected Christ, we all desire for this to be the reality for everyone in our land as we emerge from this.
Office Account, 10/04/2020