Bible Study Week 3 - Fix your Eyes on him who Gives you strength 

Teen Bible Study Week 3

Do not worry, you can still grow, even when you feel stuck!

What you will need

  1. Bible
  2. Pen and Paper
  3. A willing person to Discuss with

Write out everything you think of when you think about Jesus. Ask your willing discussion partner to add some things to the list.

  • Are these things new to you?
  • Do you agree with what they added?
  • Where did you and your willing person learn about Jesus?

As said last week, Paul wrote a lot of his letter while stuck in a roman Prison. He reached out to his friends to encourage them to be more like Christ. Paul in the hardest situation chose what he wanted to look at and fixed his eyes there. And it was in that place of Isolation and Prison that we got the New Testament. Some of us might feel like this is going forever, or we loose track of what day it is because each day feels so similar. But even in times like this we can grow as people.

Read Philippians 3:15 – 21 and answer some questions

  1. What is Paul calling the reader to do? (List them there are a few)
  2. What do you think of when you read verse 20?

But what did it mean to Paul to follow Jesus?

Let’s go back a chapter to where Paul talks about what he is trying to imitate.

Read Philippians 2:1-11

This is a wonderful passage on how we are called to live together ended with a 5-verse summary of the Life of Christ.

In verses 1-4 we see a call-in response too

  • Any encouragement from unity with Christ
  • Any comfort from love
  • Any common Sharing (community) from spirit
  • Any tenderness and compassion


  • Being like-minded (unified)
  • Avoid selfish ambition
  • Value others above self

Paul is writing from Prison, a message of hope and Love to those in a hard time. He is calling them not to stop and struggle but grow and strive for Christ. (Philippians 3:13-14)

Jesus is with you in your place, it might feel like we are alone, but we always have Christ, and it is in times like this that we can see how the Love of Christ can really do amazing things!

Read Philippians 2:5-11 and pray
This passage is a summary of the life of Christ and would even be an amazing verse to memorise.

While praying, I would like you to write out your prayer. Please write by hand (don’t worry about handwriting).

Remember there are no magic words or perfect things to say, just start with Dear God, be Honest and end with Amen.

Jonathan Byford, 10/04/2020