Parish Update 28.04.20


John 20:19-20 The risen Christ came and stood among his disciples and said, Peace be with you. Then were they glad when they saw the Lord.


I hope that this finds you well and safe. As we continue to journey through this time together, please know that many are praying for you and it is in that thought I write this to you.

For those of you who watched our service on Sunday past, Dave Shepherd mentioned the idea and action of prayer during this time. Many of you have been listening to our daily devotionals up on our website and also connecting in with the Lectio 365 prayer app (where you can find the link on our website

As you know, prayer is an integral part of our church family life. We want to encourage as many of you as possible to pray during this time. I am very aware that for some people going out for a walk is not possible due to the cocooning that has been put in place by the government. Please know that as you pray in however is possible you are all also being prayed for.

Here are some ideas that you could put into practice…

  • The Lectio 365 is a good help to bring focus in your prayers. 
  • Every Tuesday from 7-8pm (when we would normally meet for prayer), take a walk and pray for your homes, neighbours and our church community.
  • Read and pray through the daily devotionals that you can get on our website
  • Listen to what God is saying and share it with one another.
  • Be creative in your prayers, draw, write, sing, communicate with God how you have been created to do.

 Also, read through the other email from Dave and I in relation to others ideas as to how and what to pray for.

The Archbishop will be joining us this Sunday for our Virtual Service. Do continue to keep connected with each other and help and receive help in who you are and what you do.
